The International Ship Suppliers and services association (I.S.S.A) has forty country members all over the globe and enjoys non-governmental status with the International Maritime Organization (I.M.O).
The objective of this association is to work closely with some globally active organizations such as the International Maritime Organization (I.M.O), The World Trade Organization (W.T.O) and The World Customs Organization (W.C.O) to achieve the heights standards of smooth operations of the ship services and Supply.
I.S.S.A had its first General Assembly and Executive board meeting in London, United Kingdom few days before and the same was held after three years due to globally effected Covid Pandemic.
The meeting was conducted under the chairmanship of UAE by Mr. Saeed Al Malik.
In this gathering fallowing valuable points discussed.
01. Discussed about International Maritime Organization Environmental Regulations.
02. Elimination of use of plastic when supply and servicing ships.
03. Upgrading the safety standards during the operations of ships.
04. Encouraging Worldwide Members to go Green.